“Daryo” o‘tgan haftaning qizg‘in bahslariga sabab bo‘lgan tvitlarini diqqatingizga havola etadi.
“Obama bilan ishlagan paytimda u ishlatgan ‘Kelinglar, yigitlar!’ iborasini yoqtirardim”, – Maykl Makfol, AQShning Rossiyadagi sobiq elchisi — deb bu haqda «Daryo» nashri xabar beradi.
«C’mon man !» I loved it when Obama used that phrase when I worked for him. https://twitter.com/HeathenOnEarth_/status/1228933067928195072 …Paul@HeathenOnEarth_This awesome clip of Obama sticking it to Trump needs to be retweeted ‘til the end of time!75.2K9:58 AM — Feb 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy24.8K people are talking about this
“Roppa-rosa 11 yil muqaddam aynan shu kunda jamiyatimiz boshidan kechirayotgan eng yomon retsessiya paytida tiklanish haqida qaror qabul qilgan edim va bu qaror keyingi o‘n yillik uchun Amerika tarixidagi iqtisodiy o‘sish va ish o‘rinlari yaratilishi uchun zamin tayyorlagan edi”, – Barak Obama, AQShning sobiq prezidenti.
Eleven years ago today, near the bottom of the worst recession in generations, I signed the Recovery Act, paving the way for more than a decade of economic growth and the longest streak of job creation in American history.
762K8:46 PM — Feb 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy191K people are talking about this
“Farg‘ona vodiysida qishda qovun saqlashning an’anaviy usuli”, – Akmal Hamrayev, Twitter foydalanuvchisi.
Традиционные дынехранилища в Ферганской долине.#Дыни #Узбекистан
78112:54 AM — Feb 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy320 people are talking about this
“Nazarboyev deputatga xalq hayotini yaxshilash uchun ‘ular bilan tushunarli tilda’ muloqot qilishni aytmoqda. Elboshi davlat boshqaruvida hokimiyat uning qo‘lida ekanini tushuntirmoqchi”, – Joanna Lillis, The Guardian, EurasiaNews axborot nashrlari muxbiri.
#Nazarbayev tells deputy PM to hold ‘dialogue with people in accessible language’ to tell them what is being done to improve their lives — Yelbasy trying to keep hands on helm of government #Kazakhstan http://bit.ly/2SRp11T Елбасы – вице-премьеру: Важно встречаться с народом, разговаривать и разъяснять принимаемые мерыНУР-СУЛТАН. КАЗИНФОРМ – Первый Президент РК — Елбасы Нурсултан Назарбаев встретился с заместителем Премьер-Министра Казахстана Ералы Тугжановым, передает МИА «Казинформ» со ссылкой на официальный…inform.kz69:19 AM — Feb 18, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Joanna Lillis’s other Tweets
“Qozog‘istonning Yevrosiyo iqtisodiy ittifoqi doirasidagi savdo hissasi 2019-yilda 2018-yilga solishtirganda 5,7 foziga ko‘paydi va 21,3 milliard AQSh dollariga yetdi. Savdo ulushining 92,4 foizi Rossiya hissasiga to‘g‘ri kelsa, Qirg‘izistonniki 4 foiz, Belarusniki 3,6 foiz va Armanistonniki 0,1 foizga to‘g‘ri kelmoqda”, – Aleks Melikishvili, MDH mamlakatlari bo‘yicha tahlilchi.
Alex Melikishvili@A_Melikishvili
#Kazakhstan‘s trade volume with #Eurasian Economic Union #EEU in 2019 increased by 5.7% compared to 2018, reaching $21.3 billion. #Russia accounts for 92.4% of this, as can be expected. #Kyrgyzstan‘s share is 4%, #Belarus — 3.6%, #Armenia — 0.1%. https://www.inform.kz/ru/torgovlya-kazahstana-so-stranami-eaes-vyrosla-do-21-296-mln_a3614965 …Торговля Казахстана со странами ЕАЭС выросла до $21 296 млнНУР-СУЛТАН. КАЗИНФОРМ — В январе-декабре 2019 года взаимная торговля Республики Казахстан со странами ЕАЭС составила 21 296 млн долларов США, что на 5,7% больше, чем в январе-декабре 2018 года. Об…inform.kz139:58 PM — Feb 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Alex Melikishvili’s other Tweets
“Prezident Tramp Ukrainani dunyoning eng korrupsiyalashgan davlati sifatida ayblagan edi. Prezident Zelenskiy bu ayblov noto‘g‘ri ekanini aytmoqda. Zelenskiy Trampga efir orqali murojaat qilar ekan, ‘Iltimos, Ukrainani korrupsion davlat deb atashni to‘xtating’, deb aytdi”, – Kristin Omonpur, CNN jurnalisti.
Christiane Amanpour✔@camanpour
President Trump has argued that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. President Zelensky pushes back: «That’s not [the] truth.» He says he said directly to Trump, «Please stop [saying] that Ukraine is a corrupt country.»
1,23211:41 PM — Feb 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy557 people are talking about this
“Prezident ‘Kusherboyev boshqalarga yoqmaydi, lekin menga yoqadi’ deganida uning mana shu xususiyatlarini, tuyaning kallasiday yuragini nazarda tutgan edi. Ishqilib, Kusherboyevni yoqtirmaydiganlar unga ziyon yetkazmasa bo‘ldi”, – Doniyor Rozmetov, bloger.
Doniyor ROZMETOV@DaniyorRozmetov
Президент «Кушербоев бошқаларга ёқмайди, лекин менга ёқади» деганида унинг мана шу хусусиятларини, туянинг калласидай юрагини назарда тутган эди. Ишқилиб, Кушербоевни ёқтирмайдиганлар унга зиён етказмаса бўлди.
91:59 AM — Feb 18, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Doniyor ROZMETOV’s other Tweets
“‘Ilhom’ teatri O‘zbekistondagi avtoritarizm davrida ijodkorlik oroli edi. Bugun o‘zbek jamiyatini liberallashtirish va isloh qilish sharoiti teatrning yo‘qlikka hukm qilinishini bildiradimi?” – The Calvert Journal nashri, sobiq sovet mamlakatlari san’ati va madaniyati borasida tahlillar yuritadigan jurnal.
The Calvert Journal@calvertjournal
The Ilkhom Theatre was a oasis of creativity in authoritatian Uzbekistan- now development designed to liberalise and modernise the nation could mean its demise https://buff.ly/38Hifmc Uzbekistan’s liberal Ilkhom Theatre survived decades of dictatorship. Now real estate developers…Will the Soviet Union’s first independent theatre be the next victim of Uzbekistan’s mass forced evictions?calvertjournal.com811:00 PM — Feb 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee The Calvert Journal’s other Tweets
“O‘zbekiston, Buyuk ipak yo‘li bo‘ylab sayohat qilar ekansiz, mintaqaning sahro bag‘ridagi shaharlarini, nafasni qaytarguvchi tog‘li mintaqalari va nozik did bilan tayyorlangan taomlarini kashf qiling”, – Wanderlust Magazine, xalqaro sayyohlik jurnali.
Wanderlust magazine@wanderlustmag
Discover the fabled desert cities, breathtaking mountain scenery and the finest food in Central Asia on one of these amazing trips to the undisputed star of the Silk Road, Uzbekistan…http://bit.ly/2P01BX2 @UZAmbassador #Uzbekistan #TravelInspires
2211:00 PM — Feb 17, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Wanderlust magazine’s other Tweets
“Uxandagi shifoxona rahbari koronavirusdan vafot etdi. Jahon sog‘liqni saqlash tashkiloti yangi koronavirusdan ehtiyot bo‘lish haqida ogohlantirmoqda. Koronavirusdan vafot etganlar soni ayni damda 1 868 kishini tashkil qilmoqda”, – Al Jazeera.
Hospital director in China’s Wuhan dies of #COVID19, as WHO warns against overreaction to the new coronavirus.
The death toll has hit 1,868. Follow the latest: https://aje.io/h884b
37812:12 PM — Feb 18, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy300 people are talking about this
“Bundan 90 yil avval mitti sayyora Pluton kash etilgan edi. Pluton aylanasi bor-yo‘g‘i 1 400 milya – 2 253 kilometrni tashkil qiladi. Bu AQShning yarmini yoki Oyning 2/3 qismini tashkil qiladi. Pluton kuni muborak!” – Chandra observatoriyasi Twitter sahifasi.
Chandra Observatory✔@chandraxray
Dwarf planet Pluto was discovered #OTD 90 years ago! #Pluto is only about 1,400 miles (2,253 kilometers) wide. That’s about half the width of the United States, or just 2/3 the width of Earth’s moon! Happy #PlutoDay! The #science behind the image: https://s.si.edu/37JpQPS
3228:54 PM — Feb 18, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy99 people are talking about this
Mavzuga doir:
“Turmush o‘rtog‘im, bolalar, Alisher ukam va men Shayx Zayd masjidini ziyorat qildik va mamlakatimizga tinchlik, vatandoshlarimizga farovonlik va oilamiz va do‘stlarimizga tinchlik so‘radik”, – Saida Mirziyoyeva.
Saida Mirziyoyeva@SMirziyoyeva
My spouse, kids, brother Alisher and I visited the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, where we prayed for peace in our country, wellbeing of our people, robustness of our family and health of friends.#Uzbekistan #SMirziyoyeva
687:17 PM — Feb 18, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Saida Mirziyoyeva’s other Tweets
“Bugun tongda Xitoy rahbari Si bilan muloqot qildim va xitoyliklarga hamdardligimni hamda koronavirusga qarshi kurashda qo‘llab-quvvatlashimni bildirdim. Buyuk Britaniya hukumati mintaqaga zaruriy tibbiy dori-darmonlarni yetkazishda yordam beradi va yordam ko‘rsatishda davom etadi”, – Boris Jonson, Buyuk Britaniya bosh vaziri.
This morning I spoke to Chinese President Xi to express my sympathy and support for those affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The UK government has donated vital medical equipment to the region and we will continue to offer our assistance. (1/2)6,4926:49 PM — Feb 18, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,948 people are talking about this
“O‘zbekistonda Boyovut tumaniga yagona ayol hokim tayinlandi. Bu ulkan o‘zgarish”, – Dilfuza Kurolova, huquqshunos.
officially, the only female khokim in Uzbekistan, hopefully for now. great start!https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2020/02/18/hokim/?utm_source=push&utm_medium=telegram …Хокимом Баяутского района утверждена Дилфуза УраловаХокимом Баяутского района утверждена Дилфуза Уралова, ранее работавшая замглавы Сырдарьинской области. Она стала единственной женщиной-хокимом среди действующих глав районов, городов и областей.gazeta.uz291:44 PM — Feb 18, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacySee Dilfuza’s other Tweets
“Dunyodagi eng past internet tezligi mamlakatlari o‘ntaligi. O‘zbekiston 4-o‘rinda”, – Spectator Index, ta’lim, madaniyat, iqtisodiyot, siyosat borasida tahlillar markazi.
1) Iroq;
2) Jazoir;
3) Nepal;
4) O‘zbekiston;
5) Gana;
6) Senegal;
7) El Salvador;
8) Nigeriya;
9) Kamboja;
10) Bangladesh;
Ma’lumot Open Signal guruhi materiallari asosida tayyorlangan.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindex
Worst internet download speed experience.
1. Iraq
2. Algeria
3. Nepal
4. Uzbekistan
5. Ghana
6. Senegal
7. El Salvador
8. Nigeria
9. Cambodia
10. Bangladesh
(OpenSignal)4,1169:00 PM — Feb 18, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,403 people are talking about this
Jahongir Ergashev tayyorladi.